Monday, March 8, 2010

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God


I am Lydia Elijah. My husband returned to the Lord two years ago. I was totally lost for a while but now I have found a new and renewed strength in the Lord, Jesus.

Now, I spend more than 8 hours a day with the Lord meditating on his words and listening to his voice.

I also spend time praying for those in need. God answers prayer.

If you are searching for the Lord and you need prayers, please click on comment after this message and just write me a note and I will pray for you.

May God bless you today.


  1. Dear aunty,
    This is very encouraging and I know for sure God is using you to reach out to so many out there.....

  2. Thank you Julie. God will be your refuge and strength.
    God bless you.

  3. Please for my aunty who is suffering terribly from urinary tract infection and cancer from the uterus. The doctors says there is no cure. But, I believe in Him who is our Healer. What is impossible with man is possible with Him. Amen.
