Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Psalm: 119-154.  Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according
to your promise.

As you walk through His Word you will see many things that are not operating in
your life .  Ask the Father to quicken you and bring you to the level of His Word.

His wonderful, vibrant Word states that He forgiveth all thine iniquities, He healeth
all thy diseases.  Your sins have been forgiven.  Get up, and move on with God.
If you have a spiritual weakness, keep confessing that He forgiveth all your inquiries .
Talk to the Father about this.  Ask for strength.  Worship Him.  Keep identifying with this
glorious Word of life.

If you identify with your failures then they grow in you.  Discouragement comes.
You have a tendency to Tver up when this happens, and hen things really get worse.
So keep on speaking this dynamic Word to yourself.

CONFESS:-  "He forgives all my iniquities.  I am His child.  He is helping me."
Draw near to The Lord through His Word.  his Wod is alive with Jesus Himself.
"He healeth all my diseases."  Speak this living Word into your Spirit everyday.

God bless you.


1 comment:

  1. God sends you fresh flowers every spring, a breathtaking sunrise every morning. If God had a wallet, your picture would be in it. If God has a refrigerator, your childhood scribbles would be on it.
