Thursday, November 17, 2011



Then the angel of the Lord told her, "Go back to your mistress and submit to her .". The angle added, "I will increase your
descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count ."

Sharing of the word:

The angle of the Lord said, "Go back to your mistress and submit to her". This solution nobody wants.
Authority can be wrong but God says, " I will deal with it. You go back, go back, return and submit to Sarah
because your time is not yet".
Hagar called the name of the Lord that spoke to her as, " the God who sees me.". She said, "I have now seen
the One who sees me.". Basically what she is saying is God sees me. You are a God that's alive and
you see me. You are a seeing God. You are a hearing God.
Then her prayers was, "Will I die no, I am not going to die, but may I see the God that sees me, may I also hear the
God that hears me". This is the beauty of it. God you see me but can you please touch my eye so that I can also see you?
God will hear me, you hear my affliction you hear my cry you hear my pain, you hear and you see my misery.
Can I also see you and hear you? This was Hagar's prayer. She did not look for God but he came because he
heard her cries.
Today if you want to see God and hear God pray the way Hagar did and expect to see God move in your lives.


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