Tuesday, November 8, 2011


John: 20-10-18.

Mary was an outcast in her society because of the type of life she lived and no one loved her because she waa possessed by evil
Spirits. She lost her human dignity and social acceptance. That was the time Jesus Christ met her,showed concern and
delivered her from bondage and gave her human dignity. He was the only hope she had in life.
Christ was all in all to her. When she saw that He was dead and his body was missing, she stood
outside the tomb weeping. She had lost hope, and her future looked uncertain. As she looked into the
empty tomb, perhaps she saw the reflection of her empty life. It was at the dark hour that the risen Saviour met
her. He first called her "woman" and then called her by her name " Mary". The risen Saviour asked her two questions
which were interconnected.

1. Why are you weeping?
2. Whom are you seeking?

She was weeping because she was searching for the dead body. So she was not able to recognize the
living Saviour standing by her side. Often there are similar experiences of searching for the living Saviour
in the empty tomb
Today if you are searching for the Saviour, remember He is near you, calling you, because He loves and
cares for you.


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