Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lord's work.

John 4:39.

Many of the Samaritans from the town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."
v. 41. And because of his words many more became believers.

Sharing of the word:

My dear children, the Samaritan woman Jesus spoke to, at the well left her waterpot and ran to the city to testify about Jesus.
What was the disciples doing? They were also going to the city but to buy food.
The diciples knew more about Jesus, they were always with Him, but we don't see them testifying or even bringing a single soul to Christ.
The Samaritan woman brought many of the Samaritans (new believers) to Jesus, and was keen on serving the Lord.
She was not like the cold believers (disciples).
Dear child of god, it is time that we left our waterpots (earthly minded life) at the feet of Jesus and run like the Samaritan woman to tell the good news.


  1. dear sister lydia, please pray for me that I and my wife will be reconciled. she's now 8 months pregnant but she's having an affair with a man, younger than me and whom she thought would give her a comfortable life someday. i have pleaded with the man but he will never let her go despite the fact that he knows i am still alive and we have two daughters, aged 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. she too has lost faith in God and i want her to accept Jesus Christ as her saviour and be humbled. i want to see her and our son who's now in her womb to be saved since we are also facing financial difficulties. i know and i firmly believe that nothing is impossible with God.

  2. My dear child, God who sees your faith will honour you. Be of good cheer for you will gain all that you have lost.
    Believe in Him who alone can help you.
