Saturday, May 24, 2014

Proverbs:4-20-21.  "Attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my saying.let them not
                                depart from thine eyes".

Once you have made the Word of God final authority in your life, your first step of
victory is to go to the Word and hold on to God's promises concerning your situation.

It is good to always have the word in your mind and continue to read and pray the
Word in a daily basis.   There is power in keeping the word in front of your eyes and
going into your ears.  That's how it gets to your heart, so you can live by it.

So don't just think about the Word today, read it.  Go to the promises that cover your
situation.  Feed on those promises and grow strong.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

3 John- 2.   "Beloved, I wsh above all things that thou mayest prosper and be n health
                    even as thy soul prosperity."

Once you begin to believe its God's will to prosper you, you can't help but wonder how
He is going to do it.  He s going to do it by prospering your soul.  He is going to plant
the seeds of prosperity n your mind, will and emotions, and as they grow, they'll produce
a great financial harvest.

When Joseph was sold as a slave to the Egyptians he did not have a dime to his name.
He did not even have his freedom.  He'd been sold as a slave.  But God gave Joseph
such wisdom and ability that he made his owner prosper.  As a result the man put Joseph
n charge of all his possessions.

Later Joseph was put n prison.  There is really not much opportunity  for advancement n
prison, is there?  But God gave him insight that no other man in Egypt had.  That insight
took him from a slave to a most honored man in the entire country next to Pharaoh himself.

He rode along in a chariot and people literally bowed down before him.  During a
worldwide famine Joseph was in charge of all the food.  Now that's prosperity.  How did God
accomplish all that?  By prospering Joseph's soul.  No matter how dismal his situation
became, no matter how impossible his problems, God was able to reveal the spritual secrets
that would open th door of success  for him.

If it worked for Joseph it will work for you.

Lydiaelijah .

Monday, May 5, 2014

1 Thessalonians: 5-18.  " In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus
                                       concerning you".

Notice  that the scripture instructs us to give thanks "in" all things, not "for" all things.
When tragedy or temptation strikes, we are not to thank God for them for He provides
our way of escape from them.  And that's what we are to thank Him for.

If you read the four Gospels, you'll find that Jesus never gave thanks for sickness or death.
Instead,when He encountered them, His response was to overcome them by God's power.
So give thanks as Jesus gave thanks - not for Satan's activities but for the victory
God has given  you over them.
