Saturday, April 12, 2014

James:4-16.  For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder
And every evil practice.

Have you noticed that the easiest place to remain self centered is at home?
Sometimes we are more courteous and nicer to friends than to our own family.
We will be more demanding and less forgiving with those dearest to us than with others

When we make Jesus the Lord of our life, we realize  all that had to change. Harmony
is very important in our lives and our family, because then we will have the power
of agreement in work in our lives, we could not allow strife in our home.

Strife drops the shield of faith, stops prayer results and invites Satan and his cohorts
into your midst. It paralyses  the power of god in your life.

Don't allow the enemy to stop you at your own front door by allowing strife in your home.
Put your power of harmony to work in your family.


Friday, April 4, 2014

1 Peter:5-5.  Be clothed with humility, for God resist  the poor and gives grace to the Humble.

Most believers don't  understand humility, if you tell them they're the righteous of god.
they will fight back because they do not believe.
O no they will say " I am not righteous.  I am just a sinner saved by grace".  They are
making an attempt to be humble.  But it is wrong.  You are actually allowing Satan
to trick you.

1 Peter 5-5. says to be humble or submit to God, which means when God says something
you believe it no matter how u feel.  When He says you are made the righteous
of God in Christ Jesus you say that too.  If you say anything else you are actually
disagreeing with God.

Don't let Satan keep you groveling in the dust of false humility.  Agree with God.
Find out what His word says about you, then be bold enough to say it yourself.

Banish pride by submitting to His truth,  cloth yourself in true humility.  It's sure to look
good on you.
